Health and Wellness

Good for Me! Program

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”- World Health Organization, 1948

A free curriculum that engages three to five year olds in healthy eating and physical activity by introducing them to a diverse range of fruits and vegetables, hands-on activities, and activity play.

With generous support from the Walmart Foundation and Pfizer Foundation, the National Black Child Development Institute (NBCDI) has developed the Good for Me! program, a key component of our national initiative to promote culturally relevant healthy nutrition and fitness practices among families with young children. Since 2011, we have reached more than 80,000 individuals nationwide, including children, parents, caregivers, and teachers. Our initiative aims to improve outcomes for young children by providing strengths-based resources that reflect our children’s families and communities.

For more information, please click below to download our Good for Me! one-page overview.


With the REACH Grant, we have worked with the following Community Partners to educate and promote the Northeast Ohio community on COVID-19 and the importance of getting vaccinated. We have held several vaccine clinics, and continue to provide education and forums.

Community Partners

Warrensville Heights
High School

Lee Heights
Community Church

Cleveland Chapter
of Black Storytellers

Association of
African American
Cultural Gardens

Association of Black
Social Workers –
Cleveland Chapter